Learning is a lifelong journey that opens up new opportunities and possibilities. Tennis lessons can help adults improve their physical and mental health, make new friends, and have fun.
Adult Tennis Pricing
Private Lessons
Mark Schminke - Director of Racket Sports
Private (1 student, 1 coach)
60 mins | $75.00
45 mins | $60.00
30 mins | $45.00
Semi-Private (2 students, 1 coach)
Three-and-Me (3 students, 1 coach)
Four or More (4+ students, 1 coach)
Thomas Rizk - Director of High Performance
Private (1 student, 1 coach)
60 mins | $75.00
45 mins | $60.00
30 mins | $45.00
Semi-Private (2 students, 1 coach)
Three-and-Me (3 students, 1 coach)
Four or More (4+ students, 1 coach)
Thomas McEvoy & Jesse VanWagner - Tennis Professionals
Private (1 student, 1 coach)
60 mins | $65.00
45 mins | $55.00
30 mins | $40.00
Semi-Private (2 students, 1 coach)
Three-and-Me (3 students, 1 coach)
Four or More (4+ students, 1 coach)
Matthew Adzema - Assistant Tennis Professional
Private (1 student, 1 coach)
60 mins | $60.00
45 mins | $50.00
30 mins | $40.00
Semi-Private (2 students, 1 coach)
Three-and-Me (3 students, 1 coach)
Four or More (4+ students, 1 coach)
Group Clinics
2.5 Beginner Ladies Clinic
Mondays, 8:15-9:45am
3.0 Ladies Clinics
Tuesdays, 8:30-10am
Advanced Adult Clinic
3.5-4.5 USTA Level
Tuesdays, 6-7:30pm
Tennis 101
Adult Beginner Tennis Clinics
Want to get active and have fun after school drop-off? Our beginner tennis clinics are the perfect way to energize your mornings! Our 4:1 player to coach ratio keeps the learning environment efficient without overcrowding like similar programs. Reserved for USTA 2.5 players
*Signup dates coming soon for the Fall/Winter!
$135/6 weeks of 1.5 hour instruction
Adult Tennis Playing Levels
Introduction to Tennis
Players who are brand new to the game of tennis will learn to hold the racquet properly, be introduced to the basic technical checkpoints for each major shot, and focus on building the skills to establish a gentle rally with their coach from a close proximity.
USTA 1.0 - 2.5
Players learn the fundamentals of the game, including developing technically sound forehands, backhands, volleys and serves. We help players learn basic rules of the game and getting the ball in play. Meet new friends, learn new skills and have fun playing tennis!
USTA 3.0 - 3.5
Designed for the player who is returning to the game or graduated from the beginner level, this class expands on the basic fundamentals of the game. Focus is on stroke and point play development, making this an ideal complement for our clinics and workshops.
USTA 3.5 - 4.5
Focus is on high level point play instruction and play patterns to develop complete tournament players. Fast paced sessions include specific elements for doubles, footwork, fitness, strategy and match-like scenarios.